Target Email Marketing

Targeted Email Campaign
A Whopping
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Car dealers use email marketing frequently:

  • 57% send campaigns monthly
  • 21% reach out quarterly
Studies Say
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Nearly half of U.S. car buyers say promotional emails drive them to visit dealerships. It should be in ever car dealers marketing plan.

Optimizing Automotive Email Marketing

Drive More Sales with Targeted Automotive Email Campaigns

Targeted email campaigns leverage data analytics to reach the right customers with the right message. By using email segmentation, you can tailor messages to specific groups—whether it’s eco-conscious drivers seeking fuel efficiency or luxury buyers interested in premium features. This approach ensures your emails resonate, leading to higher engagement and more dealership visits.”

Automotive email marketing connects with current and potential customers using targeted email strategies, helping dealerships reach their audience effectively in the automotive industry."

Targeted Email Campaign
Targeted Email Campaign
Targeted Email Campaign
Happy Clients
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Transform Your Email Marketing into a Sales Engine

42:1 ROI—Maximize Your Sales with Smart Email Campaigns

Email List Segmentation

No one wants generic emails. Without proper segmentation and personalization, your prospects may quickly unsubscribe. Over 50% of consumers leave email lists due to irrelevant or impersonal content. Every targeted campaign we create is tailored to engage.

Automotive Email Marketing Strategies

Buying a car is a major decision, and your emails can play a big role. Go beyond specs—create content that educates, entertains, and inspires. Our strategies capture attention and drive engagement.

Email List Management

Managing your email list is about more than just organization. It's about maintaining engagement and ensuring effective deliverability. Accurate , targeted data is key! We focus on keeping your list healthy and your audience engaged. Trust us with your mail campaign to deliver one of a kind results! 42:1 ROI!

Discover how our conquest email services can fuel your sales.
Book a call now, and let’s plan your next successful campaign.”

Talk with an Automotive Marketing Expert

Targeted Email Marketing
Targeted Email Campaign

700+ Behavioral and demographic selects. You tell us who you want to see your message. We will find them!

Email Ads Examples
Targeted Email Campaign

Do you have great email advertising ideas? If not we have you covered. We have thousands of email ads examples to drive traffic. 

Promotional Email
Targeted Email Campaign

Promotional email is a great way to tell auto shoppers that a car sales event is happening. Reach thousand in a matter of minutes.

Auto Dealer Co Op Programs
Targeted Email Campaign

Making sure you get reimbursed for your funds is key. We are fully compliant with every OEM. Our auto dealer co op programs are certified. 

Mobile Email Marketing Optimization

Most car buyers now check email on their phones. If your messages don’t look good on small screens, you’re losing sales. We create mobile-friendly emails that load fast, look great, and are easy to read on any device. Our approach uses short subject lines, simple layouts, and big buttons to boost click rates by up to 42% on mobile. Don’t let bad formatting cost you customers. Call 833-735-5998 to upgrade your mobile email strategy today.

Say Goodbye to Spam: Guaranteed Email Delivery with Willowood Ventures


How many of your emails end up lost in spam or junk folders?
Not with Willowood Ventures. Our approach uses strategic keyword frameworks, compelling subject lines, and smart triggers to ensure your emails land directly in your customer’s inbox—right where they belong. We guarantee email delivery, and if any message bounces back, we’ll replace it with a valid, deliverable address instantly.

Targeted Email Campaign


We guarantee a minimum 10% open rate

Click-Through Rate


Minimum of 1.5% Click-Through Rate

Target In Market Auto Intenders

Using AUTOFLYTE and over 700 different markers powered by URBAN SCIENCE, we identify local in-market auto-intenders that are most likely to buy your brand of vehicle. Targeted email campaigns will lead you to big WINS!

Your Best Offers Drive Website Traffic

Using your best current offers, we digitally brand your dealership to the prospects with email and social, display, search and mobile ads in order to drive them to your website.

Attribute Sales to New Customers

With prospect lists as small as 75,000 and as large as 200,000 we are able attribute new customer vehicles sales each and everyday. You will get a click and attribution report at the end of the campaign.

Not just Sales, We’ll Drive Service

We also love fixed op's as well. Our service campaign will drive new service R.O’s so you’ll not only drive revenue now, but you’ll add new customers to your DMS. Fixed op's is what makes your store recession proof. Let's start the process!

Lead Generation

Double opt-in auto intender database integrated with Polk purchase predictors targeting in market consumers Suppress customers that are in your DMS/CRM from our database or go from your crm as well!

E-mail Blast Campaign

E-mail blasts will be deployed to 75,000 - 200,000 Auto Intenders during your 90 day campaign window. Individuals will be targeted with up to 3 deployments during the campaign using Polk Purchase Predictors, with email link tracking (track which ads are clicked)


Willowood Ventures can re-target every person that receives the targeted email and has a matching google and/or Facebook I.D. during the campaign with social, display, search and mobile ads. Each ad will click directly back to each dealer’s website. This will blow your lead count and internet department up!

100% Co-op compliant

We are approved with every OEM. We can get it approved guaranteed!

Targeted Email Campaign

Conquest Email

Personalized Campaigns

Our Conquest email campaigns leverage the power of personalization to drive results. We craft unique messages for each customer, incorporating details like their name, current vehicle, and more to create a truly personalized experience. This targeted approach leads to higher engagement, increased sales, and happier customers who feel understood and valued.

Willowood Ventures - Targeted Email Campaign FAQ

Targeted Email Campaign Frequently Asked Questions

What makes email marketing effective for car dealerships?

Email marketing provides a direct and personalized way to connect with potential car buyers. With a 95% reach in the US, it surpasses social media in user engagement. Dealerships can utilize targeted email campaigns to reach in-market shoppers actively searching for vehicles that match their inventory.

How are email campaigns targeted to the right audience?

Email campaigns are tailored using over 700 behavioral and demographic data points from sources like Urban Science and Polk purchase predictors. This data helps dealerships identify local "in-market" buyers who are most likely to purchase a specific brand or type of vehicle.

What kind of content do targeted emails include?

Targeted emails feature attractive offers and incentives aimed at driving traffic to the dealership's website. They often incorporate personalized elements, such as the recipient’s name or information about their current vehicle, making the message more engaging and relevant.

What is the average ROI of automotive email marketing?

Email marketing for car dealerships boasts a strong return on investment, with an average ROI of 42:1. For every dollar spent, dealerships typically see a $42 return, making it an efficient and highly effective marketing tool.

Can email marketing help with service department revenue too?

Yes! Targeted email campaigns can help increase service appointments by reaching customers who are due for maintenance or repairs. This can drive more revenue for the dealership's service department and increase customer retention.

How does retargeting work in email campaigns?

Retargeting allows dealerships to reconnect with individuals who have interacted with their email campaigns. These customers can be shown relevant ads on other platforms such as Google and Facebook, reinforcing the dealership's messaging and keeping it top-of-mind.

Are email campaigns compliant with OEM guidelines?

Yes, all email campaigns are designed to fully comply with major OEM co-op advertising guidelines, ensuring that dealerships can leverage these programs while adhering to manufacturer regulations.

How quickly can an email campaign be launched?

Email marketing campaigns can typically be launched within 48 hours, allowing dealerships to act quickly on time-sensitive market opportunities and trends.

What is conquest email marketing?

Conquest email marketing involves targeting customers who have not yet purchased from your dealership. This type of campaign is designed to attract new leads by using compelling offers and identifying individuals who are likely to be in the market for a new vehicle.

How does Willowood Ventures determine which customers to target?

Willowood Ventures uses advanced data analytics and customer segmentation to identify potential buyers. By analyzing purchase history, demographics, and behaviors, we ensure that emails reach those most likely to be interested in the dealership’s inventory.