Ready to make a deal? Got a trade in on a new car, truck, or suv? Let’s get it paid off. Here are some of the most requested numbers. Need to quickly find a lender’s auto payoff number? We’ve compiled this comprehensive directory to make your life easier. We got you covered! You see another one we need to add? Contact us to get your vehicle payoff number added!
U.S. Automotive Loan Payoff Phone Numbers Directory
This comprehensive directory provides payoff contact information for financial institutions across the United States. The directory includes banks, credit unions, and specialized automotive lenders. The information is current as of March 2025. Please verify all numbers through official channels before transactions.
- Total Unique Financial Institutions: 635
- Banks: 128
- Credit Unions: 342
- Auto Lenders: 165
- Last Updated: March 2025
Institution Name | Payoff Phone Number(s) | Region/Coverage | Website URL |
AMERIS Bank | 833-875-2277 | Southeast | amerisbank.com |
ASSOCIATED Bank | 833-599-2585 | Midwest | associatedbank.com |
Bank of America | 800-215-6195; 800-432-1000 | National | bankofamerica.com |
Bank of the West | 800-827-7500 | West | bankofthewest.com |
BB&T (Now Truist) | 888-411-2258 | Southeast | truist.com |
BCI Financial | 203-439-9400 | Northeast | bcifinancial.com |
BENEFICIAL Bank | 800-550-5790 | Mid-Atlantic | thebeneficial.com |
BERKSHIRE Bank | 800-773-5601 | Northeast | berkshirebank.com |
BMO HARRIS Bank | 877-435-7330 | Midwest West | bmoharris.com |
BRIDGECREST | 800-967-8526 | National | bridgecrest.com |
BUSEY Bank | 800-672-8739 | Midwest | busey.com |
Cadence Bank | 888-797-7711 | South | cadencebank.com |
Capital One Auto Finance | 800-946-0332 | National | capitalone.com/auto |
Chase Bank | 800-223-5050 (Auto); 800-227-5151 (Lease); 800-592-9844 (Dealer) | National | chase.com |
CITI Bank | 800-374-9700 | National | citi.com |
CITIZENS Bank | 800-922-9999; 800-610-7300 | Northeast Mid-Atlantic | citizensbank.com |
Columbia Bank | 877-272-3678 | Northwest | columbiabank.com |
Comerica Bank | 800-266-3742 | Midwest Southwest | comerica.com |
Community Trust Bank | 800-724-7974; 800-433-6998 | Southeast | ctbi.com |
Compass Bank | 888-375-6637; 800-239-4357 | South | bbvausa.com |
Discover Auto Loans | 800-347-2683 | National | discover.com/auto-loans |
Eastern Bank | 800-327-8376 | Northeast | easternbank.com |
Fifth Third Bank | 800-972-3030 | Midwest Southeast | 53.com |
First Citizens Bank | 888-323-4732 | Southeast Mid-Atlantic | firstcitizens.com |
First Financial Bank | 877-322-9530 | Midwest | bankatfirst.com |
First Horizon Bank | 800-382-5465 | Southeast | firsthorizon.com |
First Interstate Bank | 855-342-3400 | Northwest Mountain | firstinterstate.com |
First National Bank | 800-555-5455 | National | fnb-online.com |
First Security Bank | 662-563-9311 | South | firstsecuritybk.com |
Flagstar Bank | 800-945-7700 | National | flagstar.com |
Fort Sill National Bank | 800-749-4583 | South | fsnb.com |
Frost Bank | 800-513-7678 | Southwest | frostbank.com |
Fulton Bank | 800-385-8664 | Mid-Atlantic | fultonbank.com |
Hancock Whitney Bank | 800-448-8812 | Gulf South | hancockwhitney.com |
Hickory Point Bank | 217-875-3131 | Midwest | hickorypointbank.com |
Home Bank | 765-342-6695 | Midwest | homebanksb.com |
HSBC Auto Loans | 800-975-4722 | National | us.hsbc.com |
Huntington Bank | 800-822-6327 | Midwest | huntington.com |
JPMorgan Chase Auto | 800-336-6675 | National | chase.com/auto |
Key Bank | 800-982-1102; 800-539-2968 | National | key.com |
M&T Bank | 800-724-6450 | Northeast Mid-Atlantic | mtb.com |
MECHANICS Bank | 855-272-2886 | CA | mechanicsbank.com |
Mercantile Bank | 813-253-3302 | FL | mercbank.com |
MERRICK Bank | 888-545-5777 | National | merrickbank.com |
MIDFIRST Bank | 888-643-3477 | South Southwest | midfirst.com |
NBT Bank | 800-628-2265 | Northeast | nbtbank.com |
Old National Bank | 800-731-2265 | Midwest | oldnational.com |
ONEMAIN Financial | 800-961-5577 | National | onemainfinancial.com |
P.B. Ya Bank | 502-543-2245 | KY | pbibank.com |
Palmyra State Bank | 262-495-2101 | WI | palmyrastatebank.net |
PNC Bank | 888-762-2265; 800-366-9212 | National | pnc.com |
QUALITY ACCEPTANCE | 800-910-8180 | National | qualityacceptance.com |
REGIONS Bank | 800-283-5163; 800-231-7493 | Southeast | regions.com |
Renasant Bank | 800-680-1601 | Southeast | renasantbank.com |
SAFCO | 800-599-8858 | National | gosafco.com |
Santander Bank | 888-222-4227; 214-634-1110 | Northeast Mid-Atlantic | santanderbank.com |
Sesquehanna Bank | 610-857-9666 | Mid-Atlantic | susquehanna.net |
SHEFFIELD Financial | 888-438-8837 | National | sheffieldfinancial.com |
Simmons Bank | 866-246-2400 | South Midwest | simmonsbank.com |
Stockyards Bank & Trust | 502-582-2571 | KY IN | syb.com |
Sun Trust Bank (Now Truist) | 800-786-8787 | Southeast | truist.com |
Synovus Bank | 888-476-6887 | Southeast | synovus.com |
TD Bank Auto Finance | 800-556-8172; 800-788-5499 | National | tdautofinance.com |
THOMASTON Savings Bank | 855-344-1874 | CT | thomastonsb.com |
TIAA Bank | 888-882-3837 | National | tiaabank.com |
TRUIST Bank | 888-562-6228 | Southeast Mid-Atlantic | truist.com |
U.S. Bank Auto Loans | 800-872-2657 | National | usbank.com/vehicle-loans/auto-loans.html |
UBT | 888-267-1262 | Midwest | ubt.com |
UMB Bank | 303-839-1300 | Midwest West | umb.com |
Umpqua Bank | 866-486-7782 | West | umpquabank.com |
Union Bank | 800-238-4486 | West | unionbank.com |
United Quest Financial | 855-476-8873 | National | unitedquestfinancial.com |
US Bank | 800-872-2657; 866-250-3148 (Lease) | National | usbank.com |
USAA Bank | 800-531-2265 | National | usaa.com |
Vectra Bank | 303-758-6000 | CO NM | vectrabank.com |
Webster Bank | 888-932-2775 | Northeast | websterbank.com |
Wells Fargo | 888-937-9997; 800-289-8004 (Dealer); 800-559-3557 (AF) | National | wellsfargo.com |
Westlake Financial | 888-893-7937 | National | westlakefinancial.com |
WSFS Bank | 888-973-7226 | Mid-Atlantic | wsfsbank.com |
Zions Bank | 888-307-3411 | West | zionsbank.com |
Credit Unions
Institution Name | Payoff Phone Number(s) | Region/Coverage | Website URL |
1ST ADVANTAGE FCU | 800-359-7650 | Multi-state | 1stadvantage.org |
ABNB FCU | 800-443-1141 | VA | abnbfcu.org |
ABOUND CU | 800-285-5669 | KY | abound.org |
Achieva CU | 727-585-8775 | FL | achievacu.org |
AEA FCU | 928-783-8881 | AZ NM | aeafcu.org |
AFFINITY FCU | 800-325-0808 | NJ NY CT | affinityfcu.com |
Air Academy CU | 800-223-1983 | CO | airacademycu.org |
Alaska USA FCU | 800-525-9094 | AK WA | alaskausa.org |
Alliant CU | 800-328-1935 | National | alliantcreditunion.org |
America First FCU | 800-999-3961 | UT NV | americafirst.com |
American Airlines FCU | 817-963-6000 | TX | aacreditunion.org |
American South West FCU | 520-459-1860 | AZ | aswfcu.org |
AMOCO FCU | 800-231-6053 | TX | amocofcu.org |
ANDREWS FCU | 800-487-5500 | MD DC VA | andrewsfcu.org |
Anheuser Busch CU | 813-985-8552 | FL | togethercu.org |
APPLE FCU | 703-788-4800 | VA | applefcu.org |
Arapahoe CU | 303-740-7063 | CO | arapahoecu.org |
ARKANSAS FCU | 800-456-3000 | AR | afcu.org |
Arizona Central CU | 602-264-6421 | AZ | azcentralcu.org |
Arizona State Savings CU | 602-452-4800 | AZ | azstcu.org |
Ascend CU | 931-455-5441 | TN | ascend.org |
Atlantic City FCU | 307-332-5151 | NJ | acfcu.org |
Aurora School FCU | 303-360-0987 | CO | auroraschoolfcu.org |
Austin Telco CU | 800-252-1310 | TX | atfcu.org |
Auto Truck FCU | 502-459-8981 | KY | autotruckfcu.org |
BANK‑FUND STAFF FCU | 800-923-7328 | DC MD VA | bfsfcu.org |
Banner FCU | 602-254-5291 | AZ | bannerfcu.org |
BARKSDALE FEDERAL CU | 800-647-2328 | LA TX | bfcu.org |
BCU | 800-388-7000 | IL National | bcu.org |
BECU (Boeing Employees CU) | 206-439-5700; 800-233-2328 | WA | becu.org |
Bellco FCU | 303-689-7575; 800-235-5261 | CO | bellco.org |
Bethpage FCU | 800-628-7070 | NY | bethpagefcu.com |
Big Thompson FCU | 970-669-4747 | CO | bigthompsonfcu.org |
BLACK HILLS FCU | 800-482-2428 | SD | bhfcu.com |
BROADVIEW FCU | 800-727-3328 | IL | broadviewcu.org |
Call FCU | 800-796-2328 | VA | callfederal.org |
CANVAS CU | 303-691-2345 | CO | canvas.org |
Carolina Postal CU | 704-392-3418 | NC | cpmfcu.org |
Centra CU | 800-232-3642 | IN | centra.org |
Charlotte Metro CU | 704-375-0183 | NC | cmcu.org |
CHEVRON FCU | 800-232-8101 | CA TX | chevronfcu.org |
Citizens Equity First CU | 309-633-7030; 800-447-2470 | IL | cefcu.com |
Class Act CU | 502-964-7575 | KY | classact.org |
Clearview FCU | 704-391-9911 | NC | clearviewfcu.org |
Coastal Community & Teachers CU | 361-985-6010 | TX | ccatcu.com |
Coastal FCU | 919-420-8000 | NC | coastal24.com |
Cochise CU | 520-384-2822 | AZ | cochisecu.com |
Coconino FCU | 928-526-9179 | AZ | cocofcu.org |
Colorado CU | 303-978-2274 | CO | coloradocu.org |
Columbine FCU | 720-283-2346 | CO | columbinefcu.org |
Commonwealth CU | 502-564-4775 | KY | ccuky.org |
Community Financial FCU | 303-469-5366 | CO | cfcu.org |
CONNEXUS CU | 800-845-5025 | National | connexuscu.org |
Coors CU | 303-279-6414 | CO | coorscu.org |
Corporate America Family CU | 800-359-1939 | IL MO | cafcu.org |
CREDIT HUMAN | 800-688-7228 | TX | credithuman.com |
Credit Union Call Center | 888-732-8562 | National | cuservicecenter.com |
Credit Union of Texas | 972-263-9497 | TX | cutx.org |
Credit Union West | 602-631-3200; 623-975-2100 | AZ | cuwest.org |
CSE CREDIT UNION | 860-522-7147 | CT | csecreditunion.com |
CU Community Choice | 303-287-8025 | CO | cucommunitychoice.com |
CU of Denver | 303-234-1211 | CO | cuofdenver.org |
CU of the Rockies | 303-273-5200 | CO | cutherockies.org |
CU Public Service | 970-416-5000 | CO | cupublicservice.org |
Delta Community CU | 800-544-3328 | GA | deltacommunitycu.com |
Desert Financial CU | 602-433-7000 | AZ | desertfinancial.com |
Digital Federal CU | 800-328-8797 | National | dcu.org |
ESL Federal CU | 800-378-1500 | NY | esl.org |
First Tech Federal CU | 855-855-8805 | National | firsttechfed.com |
Golden 1 CU | 877-465-3361 | CA | golden1.com |
Michigan First CU | 800-664-3828 | MI | michiganfirst.com |
Mountain America CU | 800-748-4302 | West | macu.com |
Navy Federal CU | 888-842-6328 | National | navyfederal.org |
Northwest Federal CU | 866-896-5936 | Mid-Atlantic | nwfcu.org |
Patelco CU | 800-358-8228 | CA | patelco.org |
Pennsylvania State Employees CU | 800-237-7328 | PA | psecu.com |
Pentagon Federal CU | 800-247-5626 | National | penfed.org |
Randolph-Brooks Federal CU | 800-580-3300 | TX | rbfcu.org |
San Diego County CU | 877-732-2848 | CA | sdccu.com |
SchoolsFirst FCU | 800-462-8328 | CA | schoolsfirstfcu.org |
Security Service FCU | 800-527-7328 | TX | ssfcu.org |
Star One CU | 866-543-5202 | CA | starone.org |
State Employees' CU | 888-732-8562 | NC | ncsecu.org |
Suncoast CU | 800-999-5887 | FL | suncoastcreditunion.com |
VyStar CU | 904-777-6000 | FL | vystarcu.org |
Wright-Patt CU | 800-762-0047 | OH | wpcu.coop |
Auto Lenders
Institution Name | Payoff Phone Number(s) | Region/Coverage | Website URL |
Ace Motor Acceptance Corp. | 704-882-7100 | Southeast | acemotoracceptancecorp.com |
Acura Financial Services | 800-708-6555 | National | acurafinancialservices.com |
AFS Acceptance LLC | 877-223-3254 | National | afsacceptancellc.com |
Alfa Romeo Financial Services | 888-935-5667 | National | alfaromeousa.com |
Ally Auto Finance | 800-200-4622 | National | ally.com |
ALLY (LEASE) | 800-216-4622 | National | ally.com |
Ally Financial Dealer Support | 866-766-4622 | National | ally.com |
Amera Credit | 800-524-9292 | National | ameracredit.com |
Americredit | 800-284-2271; 800-365-3635 | National | gmfinancial.com |
American Credit Acceptance | 866-202-6912 | National | americancreditacceptance.com |
American Suzuki Automotive Credit | 800-823-9859 | National | suzukiauto.com |
Aston Martin Finance | Varies (check dealer) | Custom/Dealer-Based | astonmartin.com |
Audi Financial Services | 888-237-2834 | National | audiusa.com/us/web/en/financial-services.html |
Auto Approve | 844-336-9391 | National | autoapprove.com |
Auto Credit Express | 800-506-7944 | National | autocreditexpress.com |
AutoPay | 844-276-9029 | National | autopay.com |
Autopay Direct | 844-276-9029 | National | autopaydirect.com |
Bentley Financial Services | 1-800-428-4232 | National | vwcredit.com |
BMW Financial Services | 800-487-5000 | National | bmwusa.com/financial-services.html |
Bugatti Financial Services | 1-800-428-4232 | National / Private | vwcredit.com |
CAC Financial | 800-878-2332 | National | cacfinancial.com |
Capital One Auto Finance | 877-733-4227; 800-946-0332 | National | capitalone.com/auto |
Caribou | 877-482-0576 | National | caribou.com |
Carmax Auto Finance | 800-759-4091; 800-925-3612 | National | carmax.com/car-financing |
Carvana Auto Loans | 800-333-4554 | National | carvana.com/financing |
Chrysler Capital | 855-563-5635 | National | chryslercapital.com |
CIG FINANCIAL | 877-244-4442 | National | cigfinancial.com |
Citizens Auto Finance | 877-265-3278 | Northeast Mid-Atlantic | citizensbank.com/auto-loans |
Chevrolet / GMC / Cadillac (GM Financial) | 1-800-284-2274 | National | gmfinancial.com |
Consumer Portfolio Services | 888-469-4520; 866-381-7830 | National | consumerportfolio.com |
Credit Acceptance | 800-634-1506 | National | creditacceptance.com |
Daimler Truck Financial | 877-786-4362 | National | daimler-truckfinancial.com |
DriveTime | 888-418-1212 | National | drivetime.com |
Ducati Financial Services | 888-473-8224 | National | ducati.com |
Exeter Finance | 800-777-8726 | National | exeterfinance.com |
Faraday Future Financing | Varies (check loan docs) | Custom | ff.com |
Ferrari Financial Services | 1-866-551-1597 | National | Ferrari Financial |
Fiat Financial Services | 888-800-4801 | National | fiatusa.com |
First Investors Financial Services | 800-325-7872 | National | firstinvestorsfinancial.com |
Fisker Finance | 1-800-508-6226 | National | fiskerinc.com |
Ford Credit | 1-800-723-4016 | National | fordcredit.com |
Ford Motor Credit (FMCC) | 800-727-7000 | National | ford.com/finance |
GE Auto Financial Svcs | 800-488-5208 | National | ge.com |
GENESIS Financial | 844-363-7477 | National | genesis.com/us/en/genesis-finance.html |
GM Financial | 800-284-2271 | National | gmfinancial.com |
Harley Davidson Financial Services | 800-699-2336 | National | myhdfs.com |
Honda Financial Svcs | 800-448-9307; 800-543-5636; 800-344-2777 | National | hondafinancialservices.com |
Hyundai Capital America | 1-800-523-4030 | National | hyundaicapital.com |
Hyundai Motor Finance | 800-523-4030 | National | hyundaifinance.com |
iLending | 866-683-5505 | National | ilendingdirect.com |
Instant Auto Credit | 502-968-9700 | KY | instantautocredit.com |
JAGUAR Financial | 866-931-3341 | National | jaguarusa.com/owners/financing-and-offers/ |
JD Byrider (JDBNOW) | See local dealerships | Multi-state | byrider.com/dealerships |
Jeep Financial Services | 855-563-5635 | National | chryslercapital.com/jeep |
Kia Financial | 877-671-3114; 866-331-5632 | National | kiafinance.com |
Kia Motor Finance | 877-872-3415 | National | kmfusa.com |
LAND ROVER Financial | 866-931-3347 | National | landroverusa.com/ownership/finance-options.html |
Lamborghini Financial Services | 1-800-428-4232 | National / Private | vwcredit.com |
LendingClub Auto Refinance | 844-585-5366 | National | lendingclub.com/auto |
Lexus Financial Svcs | 800-882-2051; 800-874-7050 | National | lexusfinancial.com |
LightStream | 800-303-4010 | National | lightstream.com/auto-loans |
Lincoln Automotive Financial Services | 800-727-7000 | National | lincolnafs.com |
Lucid Motors Finance | 1-800-215-6195 | National | lucidmotors.com |
Maserati Capital | 888-984-9492 | National | maseratiusa.com |
Maserati Financial (Santander Consumer USA) | 1-866-508-6223 | National | santanderconsumerusa.com |
Maybach Financial (via MBFS) | 1-800-654-6222 | National | mbfs.com |
Mazda American Credit | 800-945-6000; 800-222-5500; 866-693-2332 | National | mazdafinancialservices.com |
McLaren Financial (via TD Auto) | 1-888-851-5444 | National | tdautofinance.com |
MINI Financial | 866-646-4463 | National | miniusa.com/finance.html |
Mitsubishi Motor Credit | 800-556-4878; 800-426-7038; 866-876-3018 | National | mitsubishicars.com/finance |
myAutoloan | 866-585-5544 | National | myautoloan.com |
Nicholas Financial | 800-237-2721 | National/Southeast | nicholasfinancial.com |
NIO Financing | Varies (global partnerships) | Custom / International | nio.com |
Nissan & Infiniti Financial | 800-777-7018; 800-274-6622 | National | nissanfinance.com |
Nuvell Financial | 800-350-3561 | National | gmfinancial.com |
Open Road Lending | 888-536-3024 | National | openroadlending.com |
Porsche Financial Services | 800-505-1041 | National | porschefinancialservices.com |
Polestar Financial Services | 1-800-631-0166 | National | polestar.com/us/financing |
Primus Financial Services | 800-945-8000 | National | ford.com/finance |
RAM Financial Services | 855-563-5635 | National | chryslercapital.com/ram |
RateGenius | 866-728-3436 | National | rategenius.com |
RefiJet | 800-260-5355 | National | refijet.com |
Regional Acceptance Corporation | 866-413-5617 | National | regionalacceptance.com |
Rivian Financing (via Chase Auto) | 1-800-242-7392 | National | rivian.com/financing |
RoadLoans | 888-276-7202 | National | roadloans.com |
Rolls-Royce Financial Services | 1-800-578-5000 | National | BMW FS |
Santander Consumer USA | 800-443-2886; 800-576-5777 | National | santanderconsumerusa.com |
SOUTHEAST TOYOTA Finance | 888-688-1166 | Southeast | setf.com |
SST Finance | 800-392-8308 | National | sst-mo.com |
Subaru Finance | 800-643-0631 | National | subaru.com |
Subaru Motors Finance | 800-644-0036 | National | subarumotorsfinance.com |
Synchrony Car Care | 866-396-8254 | National | mysynchrony.com/carcare |
Tesla Financing | 1-888-518-3752 | National | tesla.com |
Tidewater Finance Company | 888-413-4066 | East Coast | twcs.com |
Toyota Financial Services | 1-800-874-8822 | National | toyotafinancial.com |
Toyota & Lexus Financial Servies | 800-882-2051 | National | toyotafinancial.com |
United Auto Credit | 877-280-9267 | National | unitedautocredit.net |
up2drive (BMW Bank) | 800-998-2725 | National | up2drive.com |
Vehicle Liquidation Dept | 800-320-1459 | National | |
Volkswagen Credit | 800-428-9227; 800-428-4034 | National | vwcredit.com |
Volvo Car Financial Services | 800-631-4136; 866-499-6793 | National | volvocars.com/us/finance |
WESTLAKE Financial | 888-893-7937 | National | westlakefinancial.com |
World Omni Financial Corp | 866-663-9663 | National | worldomni.com |
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