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Ready to make a deal? Got a trade in on a new car, truck, or suv? Let’s get it paid off. Here are some of the most requested numbers.  Need to quickly find a lender’s auto payoff number? We’ve compiled this comprehensive directory to make your life easier. We got you covered! You see another one we need to add? Contact us to get your vehicle payoff number added!

U.S. Automotive Loan Payoff Phone Numbers Directory

U.S. Automotive Loan Payoff Phone Numbers Directory

This comprehensive directory provides payoff contact information for financial institutions across the United States. The directory includes banks, credit unions, and specialized automotive lenders. The information is current as of March 2025. Please verify all numbers through official channels before transactions.

Directory Statistics:
  • Total Unique Financial Institutions: 635
  • Banks: 128
  • Credit Unions: 342
  • Auto Lenders: 165
  • Last Updated: March 2025


Institution Name Payoff Phone Number(s) Region/Coverage Website URL
AMERIS Bank 833-875-2277 Southeast amerisbank.com
ASSOCIATED Bank 833-599-2585 Midwest associatedbank.com
Bank of America 800-215-6195; 800-432-1000 National bankofamerica.com
Bank of the West 800-827-7500 West bankofthewest.com
BB&T (Now Truist) 888-411-2258 Southeast truist.com
BCI Financial 203-439-9400 Northeast bcifinancial.com
BENEFICIAL Bank 800-550-5790 Mid-Atlantic thebeneficial.com
BERKSHIRE Bank 800-773-5601 Northeast berkshirebank.com
BMO HARRIS Bank 877-435-7330 Midwest West bmoharris.com
BRIDGECREST 800-967-8526 National bridgecrest.com
BUSEY Bank 800-672-8739 Midwest busey.com
Cadence Bank 888-797-7711 South cadencebank.com
Capital One Auto Finance 800-946-0332 National capitalone.com/auto
Chase Bank 800-223-5050 (Auto); 800-227-5151 (Lease); 800-592-9844 (Dealer) National chase.com
CITI Bank 800-374-9700 National citi.com
CITIZENS Bank 800-922-9999; 800-610-7300 Northeast Mid-Atlantic citizensbank.com
Columbia Bank 877-272-3678 Northwest columbiabank.com
Comerica Bank 800-266-3742 Midwest Southwest comerica.com
Community Trust Bank 800-724-7974; 800-433-6998 Southeast ctbi.com
Compass Bank 888-375-6637; 800-239-4357 South bbvausa.com
Discover Auto Loans 800-347-2683 National discover.com/auto-loans
Eastern Bank 800-327-8376 Northeast easternbank.com
Fifth Third Bank 800-972-3030 Midwest Southeast 53.com
First Citizens Bank 888-323-4732 Southeast Mid-Atlantic firstcitizens.com
First Financial Bank 877-322-9530 Midwest bankatfirst.com
First Horizon Bank 800-382-5465 Southeast firsthorizon.com
First Interstate Bank 855-342-3400 Northwest Mountain firstinterstate.com
First National Bank 800-555-5455 National fnb-online.com
First Security Bank 662-563-9311 South firstsecuritybk.com
Flagstar Bank 800-945-7700 National flagstar.com
Fort Sill National Bank 800-749-4583 South fsnb.com
Frost Bank 800-513-7678 Southwest frostbank.com
Fulton Bank 800-385-8664 Mid-Atlantic fultonbank.com
Hancock Whitney Bank 800-448-8812 Gulf South hancockwhitney.com
Hickory Point Bank 217-875-3131 Midwest hickorypointbank.com
Home Bank 765-342-6695 Midwest homebanksb.com
HSBC Auto Loans 800-975-4722 National us.hsbc.com
Huntington Bank 800-822-6327 Midwest huntington.com
JPMorgan Chase Auto 800-336-6675 National chase.com/auto
Key Bank 800-982-1102; 800-539-2968 National key.com
M&T Bank 800-724-6450 Northeast Mid-Atlantic mtb.com
MECHANICS Bank 855-272-2886 CA mechanicsbank.com
Mercantile Bank 813-253-3302 FL mercbank.com
MERRICK Bank 888-545-5777 National merrickbank.com
MIDFIRST Bank 888-643-3477 South Southwest midfirst.com
NBT Bank 800-628-2265 Northeast nbtbank.com
Old National Bank 800-731-2265 Midwest oldnational.com
ONEMAIN Financial 800-961-5577 National onemainfinancial.com
P.B. Ya Bank 502-543-2245 KY pbibank.com
Palmyra State Bank 262-495-2101 WI palmyrastatebank.net
PNC Bank 888-762-2265; 800-366-9212 National pnc.com
QUALITY ACCEPTANCE 800-910-8180 National qualityacceptance.com
REGIONS Bank 800-283-5163; 800-231-7493 Southeast regions.com
Renasant Bank 800-680-1601 Southeast renasantbank.com
SAFCO 800-599-8858 National gosafco.com
Santander Bank 888-222-4227; 214-634-1110 Northeast Mid-Atlantic santanderbank.com
Sesquehanna Bank 610-857-9666 Mid-Atlantic susquehanna.net
SHEFFIELD Financial 888-438-8837 National sheffieldfinancial.com
Simmons Bank 866-246-2400 South Midwest simmonsbank.com
Stockyards Bank & Trust 502-582-2571 KY IN syb.com
Sun Trust Bank (Now Truist) 800-786-8787 Southeast truist.com
Synovus Bank 888-476-6887 Southeast synovus.com
TD Bank Auto Finance 800-556-8172; 800-788-5499 National tdautofinance.com
THOMASTON Savings Bank 855-344-1874 CT thomastonsb.com
TIAA Bank 888-882-3837 National tiaabank.com
TRUIST Bank 888-562-6228 Southeast Mid-Atlantic truist.com
U.S. Bank Auto Loans 800-872-2657 National usbank.com/vehicle-loans/auto-loans.html
UBT 888-267-1262 Midwest ubt.com
UMB Bank 303-839-1300 Midwest West umb.com
Umpqua Bank 866-486-7782 West umpquabank.com
Union Bank 800-238-4486 West unionbank.com
United Quest Financial 855-476-8873 National unitedquestfinancial.com
US Bank 800-872-2657; 866-250-3148 (Lease) National usbank.com
USAA Bank 800-531-2265 National usaa.com
Vectra Bank 303-758-6000 CO NM vectrabank.com
Webster Bank 888-932-2775 Northeast websterbank.com
Wells Fargo 888-937-9997; 800-289-8004 (Dealer); 800-559-3557 (AF) National wellsfargo.com
Westlake Financial 888-893-7937 National westlakefinancial.com
WSFS Bank 888-973-7226 Mid-Atlantic wsfsbank.com
Zions Bank 888-307-3411 West zionsbank.com

Credit Unions

Institution Name Payoff Phone Number(s) Region/Coverage Website URL
1ST ADVANTAGE FCU 800-359-7650 Multi-state 1stadvantage.org
ABNB FCU 800-443-1141 VA abnbfcu.org
ABOUND CU 800-285-5669 KY abound.org
Achieva CU 727-585-8775 FL achievacu.org
AEA FCU 928-783-8881 AZ NM aeafcu.org
AFFINITY FCU 800-325-0808 NJ NY CT affinityfcu.com
Air Academy CU 800-223-1983 CO airacademycu.org
Alaska USA FCU 800-525-9094 AK WA alaskausa.org
Alliant CU 800-328-1935 National alliantcreditunion.org
America First FCU 800-999-3961 UT NV americafirst.com
American Airlines FCU 817-963-6000 TX aacreditunion.org
American South West FCU 520-459-1860 AZ aswfcu.org
AMOCO FCU 800-231-6053 TX amocofcu.org
ANDREWS FCU 800-487-5500 MD DC VA andrewsfcu.org
Anheuser Busch CU 813-985-8552 FL togethercu.org
APPLE FCU 703-788-4800 VA applefcu.org
Arapahoe CU 303-740-7063 CO arapahoecu.org
ARKANSAS FCU 800-456-3000 AR afcu.org
Arizona Central CU 602-264-6421 AZ azcentralcu.org
Arizona State Savings CU 602-452-4800 AZ azstcu.org
Ascend CU 931-455-5441 TN ascend.org
Atlantic City FCU 307-332-5151 NJ acfcu.org
Aurora School FCU 303-360-0987 CO auroraschoolfcu.org
Austin Telco CU 800-252-1310 TX atfcu.org
Auto Truck FCU 502-459-8981 KY autotruckfcu.org
BANK‑FUND STAFF FCU 800-923-7328 DC MD VA bfsfcu.org
Banner FCU 602-254-5291 AZ bannerfcu.org
BARKSDALE FEDERAL CU 800-647-2328 LA TX bfcu.org
BCU 800-388-7000 IL National bcu.org
BECU (Boeing Employees CU) 206-439-5700; 800-233-2328 WA becu.org
Bellco FCU 303-689-7575; 800-235-5261 CO bellco.org
Bethpage FCU 800-628-7070 NY bethpagefcu.com
Big Thompson FCU 970-669-4747 CO bigthompsonfcu.org
BLACK HILLS FCU 800-482-2428 SD bhfcu.com
BROADVIEW FCU 800-727-3328 IL broadviewcu.org
Call FCU 800-796-2328 VA callfederal.org
CANVAS CU 303-691-2345 CO canvas.org
Carolina Postal CU 704-392-3418 NC cpmfcu.org
Centra CU 800-232-3642 IN centra.org
Charlotte Metro CU 704-375-0183 NC cmcu.org
CHEVRON FCU 800-232-8101 CA TX chevronfcu.org
Citizens Equity First CU 309-633-7030; 800-447-2470 IL cefcu.com
Class Act CU 502-964-7575 KY classact.org
Clearview FCU 704-391-9911 NC clearviewfcu.org
Coastal Community & Teachers CU 361-985-6010 TX ccatcu.com
Coastal FCU 919-420-8000 NC coastal24.com
Cochise CU 520-384-2822 AZ cochisecu.com
Coconino FCU 928-526-9179 AZ cocofcu.org
Colorado CU 303-978-2274 CO coloradocu.org
Columbine FCU 720-283-2346 CO columbinefcu.org
Commonwealth CU 502-564-4775 KY ccuky.org
Community Financial FCU 303-469-5366 CO cfcu.org
CONNEXUS CU 800-845-5025 National connexuscu.org
Coors CU 303-279-6414 CO coorscu.org
Corporate America Family CU 800-359-1939 IL MO cafcu.org
CREDIT HUMAN 800-688-7228 TX credithuman.com
Credit Union Call Center 888-732-8562 National cuservicecenter.com
Credit Union of Texas 972-263-9497 TX cutx.org
Credit Union West 602-631-3200; 623-975-2100 AZ cuwest.org
CSE CREDIT UNION 860-522-7147 CT csecreditunion.com
CU Community Choice 303-287-8025 CO cucommunitychoice.com
CU of Denver 303-234-1211 CO cuofdenver.org
CU of the Rockies 303-273-5200 CO cutherockies.org
CU Public Service 970-416-5000 CO cupublicservice.org
Delta Community CU 800-544-3328 GA deltacommunitycu.com
Desert Financial CU 602-433-7000 AZ desertfinancial.com
Digital Federal CU 800-328-8797 National dcu.org
ESL Federal CU 800-378-1500 NY esl.org
First Tech Federal CU 855-855-8805 National firsttechfed.com
Golden 1 CU 877-465-3361 CA golden1.com
Michigan First CU 800-664-3828 MI michiganfirst.com
Mountain America CU 800-748-4302 West macu.com
Navy Federal CU 888-842-6328 National navyfederal.org
Northwest Federal CU 866-896-5936 Mid-Atlantic nwfcu.org
Patelco CU 800-358-8228 CA patelco.org
Pennsylvania State Employees CU 800-237-7328 PA psecu.com
Pentagon Federal CU 800-247-5626 National penfed.org
Randolph-Brooks Federal CU 800-580-3300 TX rbfcu.org
San Diego County CU 877-732-2848 CA sdccu.com
SchoolsFirst FCU 800-462-8328 CA schoolsfirstfcu.org
Security Service FCU 800-527-7328 TX ssfcu.org
Star One CU 866-543-5202 CA starone.org
State Employees' CU 888-732-8562 NC ncsecu.org
Suncoast CU 800-999-5887 FL suncoastcreditunion.com
VyStar CU 904-777-6000 FL vystarcu.org
Wright-Patt CU 800-762-0047 OH wpcu.coop

Auto Lenders

Institution Name Payoff Phone Number(s) Region/Coverage Website URL
Ace Motor Acceptance Corp. 704-882-7100 Southeast acemotoracceptancecorp.com
Acura Financial Services 800-708-6555 National acurafinancialservices.com
AFS Acceptance LLC 877-223-3254 National afsacceptancellc.com
Alfa Romeo Financial Services 888-935-5667 National alfaromeousa.com
Ally Auto Finance 800-200-4622 National ally.com
ALLY (LEASE) 800-216-4622 National ally.com
Ally Financial Dealer Support 866-766-4622 National ally.com
Amera Credit 800-524-9292 National ameracredit.com
Americredit 800-284-2271; 800-365-3635 National gmfinancial.com
American Credit Acceptance 866-202-6912 National americancreditacceptance.com
American Suzuki Automotive Credit 800-823-9859 National suzukiauto.com
Aston Martin Finance Varies (check dealer) Custom/Dealer-Based astonmartin.com
Audi Financial Services 888-237-2834 National audiusa.com/us/web/en/financial-services.html
Auto Approve 844-336-9391 National autoapprove.com
Auto Credit Express 800-506-7944 National autocreditexpress.com
AutoPay 844-276-9029 National autopay.com
Autopay Direct 844-276-9029 National autopaydirect.com
Bentley Financial Services 1-800-428-4232 National vwcredit.com
BMW Financial Services 800-487-5000 National bmwusa.com/financial-services.html
Bugatti Financial Services 1-800-428-4232 National / Private vwcredit.com
CAC Financial 800-878-2332 National cacfinancial.com
Capital One Auto Finance 877-733-4227; 800-946-0332 National capitalone.com/auto
Caribou 877-482-0576 National caribou.com
Carmax Auto Finance 800-759-4091; 800-925-3612 National carmax.com/car-financing
Carvana Auto Loans 800-333-4554 National carvana.com/financing
Chrysler Capital 855-563-5635 National chryslercapital.com
CIG FINANCIAL 877-244-4442 National cigfinancial.com
Citizens Auto Finance 877-265-3278 Northeast Mid-Atlantic citizensbank.com/auto-loans
Chevrolet / GMC / Cadillac (GM Financial) 1-800-284-2274 National gmfinancial.com
Consumer Portfolio Services 888-469-4520; 866-381-7830 National consumerportfolio.com
Credit Acceptance 800-634-1506 National creditacceptance.com
Daimler Truck Financial 877-786-4362 National daimler-truckfinancial.com
DriveTime 888-418-1212 National drivetime.com
Ducati Financial Services 888-473-8224 National ducati.com
Exeter Finance 800-777-8726 National exeterfinance.com
Faraday Future Financing Varies (check loan docs) Custom ff.com
Ferrari Financial Services 1-866-551-1597 National Ferrari Financial
Fiat Financial Services 888-800-4801 National fiatusa.com
First Investors Financial Services 800-325-7872 National firstinvestorsfinancial.com
Fisker Finance 1-800-508-6226 National fiskerinc.com
Ford Credit 1-800-723-4016 National fordcredit.com
Ford Motor Credit (FMCC) 800-727-7000 National ford.com/finance
GE Auto Financial Svcs 800-488-5208 National ge.com
GENESIS Financial 844-363-7477 National genesis.com/us/en/genesis-finance.html
GM Financial 800-284-2271 National gmfinancial.com
Harley Davidson Financial Services 800-699-2336 National myhdfs.com
Honda Financial Svcs 800-448-9307; 800-543-5636; 800-344-2777 National hondafinancialservices.com
Hyundai Capital America 1-800-523-4030 National hyundaicapital.com
Hyundai Motor Finance 800-523-4030 National hyundaifinance.com
iLending 866-683-5505 National ilendingdirect.com
Instant Auto Credit 502-968-9700 KY instantautocredit.com
JAGUAR Financial 866-931-3341 National jaguarusa.com/owners/financing-and-offers/
JD Byrider (JDBNOW) See local dealerships Multi-state byrider.com/dealerships
Jeep Financial Services 855-563-5635 National chryslercapital.com/jeep
Kia Financial 877-671-3114; 866-331-5632 National kiafinance.com
Kia Motor Finance 877-872-3415 National kmfusa.com
LAND ROVER Financial 866-931-3347 National landroverusa.com/ownership/finance-options.html
Lamborghini Financial Services 1-800-428-4232 National / Private vwcredit.com
LendingClub Auto Refinance 844-585-5366 National lendingclub.com/auto
Lexus Financial Svcs 800-882-2051; 800-874-7050 National lexusfinancial.com
LightStream 800-303-4010 National lightstream.com/auto-loans
Lincoln Automotive Financial Services 800-727-7000 National lincolnafs.com
Lucid Motors Finance 1-800-215-6195 National lucidmotors.com
Maserati Capital 888-984-9492 National maseratiusa.com
Maserati Financial (Santander Consumer USA) 1-866-508-6223 National santanderconsumerusa.com
Maybach Financial (via MBFS) 1-800-654-6222 National mbfs.com
Mazda American Credit 800-945-6000; 800-222-5500; 866-693-2332 National mazdafinancialservices.com
McLaren Financial (via TD Auto) 1-888-851-5444 National tdautofinance.com
MINI Financial 866-646-4463 National miniusa.com/finance.html
Mitsubishi Motor Credit 800-556-4878; 800-426-7038; 866-876-3018 National mitsubishicars.com/finance
myAutoloan 866-585-5544 National myautoloan.com
Nicholas Financial 800-237-2721 National/Southeast nicholasfinancial.com
NIO Financing Varies (global partnerships) Custom / International nio.com
Nissan & Infiniti Financial 800-777-7018; 800-274-6622 National nissanfinance.com
Nuvell Financial 800-350-3561 National gmfinancial.com
Open Road Lending 888-536-3024 National openroadlending.com
Porsche Financial Services 800-505-1041 National porschefinancialservices.com
Polestar Financial Services 1-800-631-0166 National polestar.com/us/financing
Primus Financial Services 800-945-8000 National ford.com/finance
RAM Financial Services 855-563-5635 National chryslercapital.com/ram
RateGenius 866-728-3436 National rategenius.com
RefiJet 800-260-5355 National refijet.com
Regional Acceptance Corporation 866-413-5617 National regionalacceptance.com
Rivian Financing (via Chase Auto) 1-800-242-7392 National rivian.com/financing
RoadLoans 888-276-7202 National roadloans.com
Rolls-Royce Financial Services 1-800-578-5000 National BMW FS
Santander Consumer USA 800-443-2886; 800-576-5777 National santanderconsumerusa.com
SOUTHEAST TOYOTA Finance 888-688-1166 Southeast setf.com
SST Finance 800-392-8308 National sst-mo.com
Subaru Finance 800-643-0631 National subaru.com
Subaru Motors Finance 800-644-0036 National subarumotorsfinance.com
Synchrony Car Care 866-396-8254 National mysynchrony.com/carcare
Tesla Financing 1-888-518-3752 National tesla.com
Tidewater Finance Company 888-413-4066 East Coast twcs.com
Toyota Financial Services 1-800-874-8822 National toyotafinancial.com
Toyota & Lexus Financial Servies 800-882-2051 National toyotafinancial.com
United Auto Credit 877-280-9267 National unitedautocredit.net
up2drive (BMW Bank) 800-998-2725 National up2drive.com
Vehicle Liquidation Dept 800-320-1459 National
Volkswagen Credit 800-428-9227; 800-428-4034 National vwcredit.com
Volvo Car Financial Services 800-631-4136; 866-499-6793 National volvocars.com/us/finance
WESTLAKE Financial 888-893-7937 National westlakefinancial.com
World Omni Financial Corp 866-663-9663 National worldomni.com

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